Sunday 19 February 2012

Pew study + Facebook users get more than they give

Pew study + Facebook users get more than they give

Pew study + Facebook users get more than they give - Facebook givers & takers, Facebook is made up of two kinds of people: people who give a lot, and people who get a lot.
That is one of the findings of a recent report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, which identified Facebook users in a national phone survey, asked their permission to examine their activity and then did the analysis. We take a look at what the survey revealed.

Power users

There is a special group of power players on the social network who dominate various activities.
"Most Facebook users are moderately active over a one-month time period, so highly active power users skew the average," said Keith Hampton, the lead author of the report.
Selective users

"The striking thing is that there are different power users depending on the activity in question," Hampton said. About 43 percent of the Facebook members in Pew's analysis were power users in either sending friend requests, "liking" something, sending private messages or tagging photos. The bottom line, the research said, is that most Facebook members receive more from their Facebook friends than they give, and power users are the reason why.
Distant friendship

Most Facebook friends are not directly connected to each other. Although a friend of a friend is usually a friend, too, on average only 12 percent of all possible connections between Facebook friends were present.
Show of support

Pew found that Facebook members who received and accepted more Facebook friend requests in the month of the survey reported higher levels of social support. Meanwhile, those who posted more status updates reported higher levels of emotional support.
Extended reach

Facebook users can reach an average of more than 150,000 other Facebook users through friends of friends on the social network. A typical or median user can reach more than 31,000 people.

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