Thursday 19 January 2012

Squirrel paints viral video

Squirrel paints viral video

Squirrel paints viral video - Painting-squirrel video goes viral, We've seen elephants paint and monkeys paint, but little Winkelhimer Smith might be the only squirrel to take up the brush-based art form. In this viral video, the squirrel—who was rescued by a woman.who goes by the name "Ugly Shyla"—paints with water colours.

Last year, Russia's health ministry scored a huge viral hit—to the tune of 3 million views—with a PSA (see below) starring a psychotic, alcoholic squirrel manically raving about shooting someone's wife, warbling ethnic folk songs and battling invisible spiders in its cell.
His eerie vow to viewers: "I'm coming for you." Watching the rodent literally climb the walls in the midst of an intense, pop-eyed breakdown, one question stuck in my mind: What's that gnarly dude been drinking, and where can I find some, because I really want to get that hammered. Now, Russinvest is marketing a 40-proof vodka with a picture of a crazed "hell squirrel" on the label.

The marketer's goofing on the earlier PSA and riding its bushy coattails to generate massive attention—for free. Mighty capitalistic of those sloshed Ruskies. I've been sampling some product for the past few hours, and I can vouch for its potency. I wish I understood Russian, because that's the language I hear from the voices inside my head. And … are those spiders crawling all over my face and head? Oh god, get 'em off me!

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