Thursday 22 December 2011

Wrong-way puffin

Wrong-way puffin

Wrong-way puffin, An Atlantic puffin got a little lost on the way to its nest. The seabird reportedly crash-landed in downtown Montreal about 1,000 kilometers from its likely home, and it was rescued by a veterinary technician. The puffin is being housed in a bathtub and getting two meals a day, before it goes back out into the wild.

The first and third photos are ATLANTIC PUFFINS. As we approached the Puffins, everyone crowded the viewing area. I took these photos by extending my arms as high as they would go and holding the camera toward the viewing area, hoping there would be a Puffin in the photo. With 4 million in the area, I thought the chances were good that I would find one. The link above will take you to more Puffin photos.

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