Sunday 19 February 2012

The 7 Worst Things You Can Say to Your Husband ... And Probably Do

The 7 Worst Things You Can Say to Your Husband ... And Probably Do
The 7 Worst Things You Can Say to Your Husband ... And Probably Do - One could argue that I'm the queen of the jabs. I attempt to work from home with the kids while my husband works his 9-5. Most days are OK, but every so often there are those really tough parenting days that fry my brain and zap my every last will to live.

I have this adorable habit of allowing my frustration to simmer on low until it comes to a boil. I then release tension by tossing out a good jab at my poor, unsuspecting husband. I know it's not mature. I know it's not fair. I also know it's not good for our marriage and yet, I do it anyway. Thirteen years of marriage, and I'm still jabbing.
I know I'm not the only jabber out there -- we all do it at some point. Whether under our breath or right out in the open, we wives say these things almost begging for a fight. And we shouldn't.
1. I do everything around here!
I know it sure feels that way but let me ask you this: Are you the one unclogging the garbage disposal or mowing the lawn? If you answered yes, then you're allowed to use this phrase forever and ever.

Related: 5 lessons learned from 18 years of marriage

You're never here!

2. You're never here!
He's probably never there because he's busy providing for your family. Give your husband a break.

Stop! You're doing it wrong!

3. Stop! You're doing it wrong!
Husbands are damned if they do, and damned if they don't. So what if he's doing wrong? At least he's doing it.

Why do I always have to ask for your help?

4. Why do I always have to ask for your help?
Because you do. The end.

I'm not your mother!

5. I'm not your mother!
Your husband may need some caring for but guess what? He's a happier and better man because of you.

Related: 9 ways to put the spark back in your relationship

You just don't get it!

6. You just don't get it!
Poor husbands. They really get the poo slung at 'em sometimes (and not just by their kids). They know how hard we work, even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes.

I can't take it anymore!

7. I can't take it anymore!
Men don't know what to do with this information. Are they supposed to hug you? Run and hide? Fart to ease the tension? Deep breath. Calm down. Be specific about what's bothering you.

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